Tuesday, December 31, 2019
New Feature Company Reviews by Employees - FlexJobs
New Feature Company Reviews by Employees - FlexJobsNew Feature Company Reviews by Employees Weve added a handy widget to our company profile pages that gives you, the job seeker, an insiders view into a company, including reviews by current and former employees, average salaries for typical job titles, and tips on the companys interview process from people who have gone through it before.This Glassdoor Widget comes to us from Glassdoor.com, a website dedicated to giving job seekers, an inside look at jobs and companies. We love this feature because it helps job seekers make better informed decisions about which jobs theyre applying to and which companies theyd like to work for.Company Reviews by Employees If you go to any company listed in our Guide to the Best Companies for Flexible Jobs, like Kaiser Permanentefor example, after our unique description of the company, youll see the Glassdoorwidget. It has three tabs one for salaries, one for overall reviews, and one for interview qu estions and answers. In fact, it looks just like thisThe widget is available for any company within our Guide which is also in Glassdoor.coms database. Because Glassdoor.coms database is so extensive, most large and many smaller companies should have a widget on their page.In plus-rechnen to being available for companies in our Guide to the Best Companies for Flexible Jobs, youll find this handy widget on our job listings. When youre viewing a specific job, you can click the + sign to expand the Employer Info section and thats where youll find the widget. It looks like thisWe hope this widget gives you lots of helpful information as you continue your search for a flexible job. And if youd like to review your current or former employer, definitely check out Glassdoor.com to let others know about your experience.
Thursday, December 26, 2019
3 Keys to Worry-Free ERP
3 Keys to Worry-Free ERP3 Keys to Worry-Free ERPThis post is originally from The Protiviti View.Protiviti, a subsidiary of Robert Half, is a global consulting firm that helps companies solve problems in finance, technology, operations, governance, risk and internal audit. The Protiviti View, the companys blog, features commentary, insights and points of view on key challenges and risks facing companies today.Search Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) on Google, and youll find tales of epic failure outnumber success stories seven to one. If I had a $100 bill for every CFO I have heard complain about his or her frustration with an ERP platform, Id have a serious bankroll on my hands. Today I thought Id even the score a little by offering my two cents (since I dont have that bankroll, unfortunately) much of this courtesy of Protivitis own ERP leaders and experts on how to make your ERP selection succeed.The keys, youll see, are to address critical areas before selecting and designing y our ERP system.Key 1 Manage ChangeI could spend days debating the fine points of SAP versus Oracle and Microsoft. But frankly, thats their job. Success or failure, mora often, depends not on functionality, but on managements ability to get employees, suppliers and buyers aligned behind the implementation effort.Like diet and exercise, ERP implementations typically fail for lack of commitment and/or motivation. What looks like progress from the boardroom or C-suite streamlined processes, increased accountability and enhanced analytics may spark fear in the rank and file, as well as resentment from suppliers, who have their own billing systems (for better or worse) and may need to be shown exactly how your organizations desire for process improvement also benefits them.This Whats in it for me? factor cannot be overestimated. ERP solution providers know this only too well, and have developed implementation strategies to deal with it with varying degrees of success. Therefore, identif y companies that have successfully navigated these waters, ask your prospective ERP solution providers about their implementation strategies and adapt proven best practices to your needs.Tone at the top is critical when you are implementing a change of this magnitude. Make sure your operational managers are informed and well represented on the ERP project gruppe, and make it clear that this project is important to you. Surveys by both PayStream Advisors and the Institute of Financial Operations cite lack of executive leadership/commitment as one of the primary hurdles for data automation initiatives.Key 2 Optimize Your ProcessesYou wouldnt plant a garden without weeding it. The same principle holds true in ERP solution design. Bad processes, even automated ones, merely get you to bad results faster. (Garbage in, garbage out.)To get better results, you need to departure with a clear picture of what success looks like to you and your board, and reverse-engineer your way to the ERP fea tures and solutions that will deliver results to your satisfaction.Given a focused picture of what you want to accomplish, make sure you empower your line managers to take a close look at current processes. The goal here is to simplify, focus and automate the work and eliminate the workarounds. Encourage them to poke into the dark corners and examine the hand-offs in the white space between processes, and make it clear that there will be no sacred cow legacy systems. Everything you exclude will live on as an extra step and an obstruction to one-touch processing. Empowering line managers to define business requirements provides them a much-needed stake in the outcome of the implementation process.Be sure that your teams process mapping accurately reflects the complexity of all critical data streams, especially consolidation of data from multiple legal entities, revenue recognition, pricing, contracts, taxes, and data from geographically dispersed regional and satellite offices. Compl iance and mobile applications are emerging concerns, as well, that should be addressed.Only after your team has a clear understanding of the project scope and the critical integrations required should you authorize them to begin designing the ERP solution, which is, in its simplest form, a fastidious mechanical clerk that takes in data and processes exactly as instructed, and answers questions and grants access according to established business rules and chain of command.Key 3 Use Business Requirements to Focus the Selection ProcessBy defining the requirements upfront, your team can enter the ERP vendor bid process well informed, and less likely to purchase unnecessary modules.Demonstration scenarios based on your teams solution design help vendors tailor their presentations, and will give your team a better sense of how each system will perform specific tasks, under the specific conditions and complexities prevailing at your company.Finally, depending on your organizations specific needs, encourage your team to explore the viability of cloud-based ERP solutions. These subscription-based services have evolved to offer high-quality service with built-in maintenance and real-time system upgrades, at a fraction of the cost of maintaining your own system in-house. All major ERP solution providers now offer such solutions, typically known as Cloud Stacks incorporating infrastructure, platform and software in a tiered structure for optimized data retrieval.The above keys will enhance your organizations chances for success.Have you recently implemented or upgraded your ERP system? How did it go? Please share your strategies for a successful implementation. I also have listed below a couple of Protiviti white papers (links included) that may interest youERP Implementation Risk Identifying, Monitoring and Remediating Issues Throughout the Project to Ensure SuccessJim
Saturday, December 21, 2019
How hitting rock bottom can be the best thing for your career
How hitting jupe bottom can be the best thing for your careerHow hitting jupe bottom can be the best thing for your careerWhen we lose a job we loved, the loss can make us feel like weve hit rock bottom. We look up from the hole we find ourselves in, thinking that well never be able to bounce back from the job loss. But a new study published in the Academy of Management Review found that feeling like you have hit rock bottom can be the hard reset button your career needs.Losing your job can be liberatingWhen youve lost a highly valued job, you lose your old work identity, but you also can lose the dead weight of coworkers in-fighting and company bureaucracy. In this way, the studyslead author Dean Shepherd found that people who reach rock bottom have a liberating opportunity because they are now free from the delusions holding them back from changingIt is a mindset that tells us that the old identity is no longer available and not salvageable. This can be liberating. It liberates us from the constraints that we have faced in the path to try and hold on to the past, he told Ladders. Having cut the ties to the past and thus expectations for oneself for the future, an employee can take this opportunity to play with different potential opportunities.For his study, Shepherd developeda rock bottom model that showed how newly liberated employees can use their canning to form new work identity.When youve lost a job, you can either react negatively and become prevention focused or react positively and become promotion focused, the study outlines. When you are prevention focused, you develop a strong need for security and are more likely to engage in the cognitive deconstruction of drugs and alcohol as a dysfunctional path.The study uses the cautionary tale of a prevention focused injured military veteran who avoids trying new roles due to the perceived risk that a new role might result in failure. But if you are promotion focused, you have a need to grow and develop to find your ideal self. Youre willing to play with your identity and take risks.For example, an injured military veteran who is promotion focused might recognize the value of exploring new options despite his lost career, considering play an outlet to see what is out there and to identify what might be, the study states.How to play with identityWhen you hit rock bottom, it may feel like you have nothing to lose. Embrace that sense of possibility to take risks with your next career move.Understandably though, we are psychologically vulnerable after losing a valued job. To safely play with risky new work identities in this emotional state, Shepherd suggests,creating a few simple rules that define the action and the situation as play - no evaluation, no judgment, the more extreme the better.Feel free to get a little out there with your career experiments. Maybe embrace the play element by dressing up in the role or acting it out. Seems a little strange but with little to lose, it is on e of our few alternatives and it can be productive, Shepherd said.So when you feel like youre at the bottom of your career, see it as an opportunity to grow quickly in a new direction. It can be a gift people in comfortable jobs are unwilling to take.Avoiding hitting rock bottom may result in people persisting in a job that does not feel like a good fit with who they see themselves as, Shepherd said. Hitting rock bottom provides the opportunity to change ones life such that looking back, these individuals are likely to have grown more than those who never hit rock bottom.
Monday, December 16, 2019
10 Best U.S. Industries for Employment
10 Best U.S. Industries for Employment10 Best U.S. Industries for EmploymentWhich are the best industries to work in? Where are the hottest opportunities if youre looking to start a career orconsidering a career change? Heres an overview of the top 10 U.S. industries with the most projected growth in employment opportunities through 2026,including the types of jobs available, required education and training, and salary information. 01Healthcare and Social Assistance Hero Images / Getty ImagesThe retail trade industry encompasses direct marketing of products to consumers through brick-and-mortar stores as well as online entities. Expansion of income will continue to fuel growth in the sector, primarily in the online component.Types of JobsCommonjobs in the retail industryinclude salespersons,customer tafelgeschirr representatives,cashiers, buyers, pharmacy technicians, order fillers, shipping/trafficking clerks, department supervisors, store managers, and truck drivers.Education Requi rementsA high school degree is all that is required for sales, customer service, and clerical jobs.Buyersand store managers often have bachelors degrees.Salary InformationRetail salespersons earn an average of $23,370, and buyers earn an average of $62,120. First-line supervisors earnan average of $43,580. Sales managers earn an average of $89,380.Employment Opportunities and GrowthThe retail trade industry job pool will increase by about 412.3 jobs by 2026 or about 3%.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Negotiating the Intangible
Negotiating the IntangibleNegotiating the IntangibleNegotiating a salary is tricky enough. Try negotiating for intangible benefits like a four-day workweek or a work-from-home arrangement.There are few situations you will face in your career more delicate than negotiating a salary, unless you are negotiating a more abstract benefit, like a four-day workweek or enhanced medical coverage.Negotiating for those intangible benefits puts a job seeker on shaky ground.Say you want to be able to work an early schedule to pick up your child from day care. Or youd like to be able to work from home three days a week so you can help care for an elderly parent. Or maybe you dont know what youll need to help you achieve a healthy work/life balance, but youd like the ability to flex your time when necessary.You dont want your prospective employer to think youre not committed and hardworking. On the other hand, you want to make sure you are being upfront about your needs and that the company you are einstellungsgesprching with is one where the corporate culture makes sense for you. You also want to be sure you are compensated properly - in salary, benefits and intangibles - for the value you bring to the company.How, and when, do you negotiate these issues?Hiring manager John Robak said he wants transparency from the get-go, but theres no need to present your demands before youre offered a job. Robak, chief operating officer and executive vice president for Greeley and Hansen, a global environmental and engineering consulting firm, said he would prefer to have an idea of a potential employees expectations before theyre already at work. If you have an idea of what somebodys expectations are and you can work with those expectations, I think you get a higher degree of flexibility out of the gate.The best opportunity to negotiate for intangibles is once you have a job offer - after youve sold a potential employer on your skills and capabilities, he said. Its a turnoff in some wa ys when somebody comes in and right out of the gate says, Hey, I need you to be flexible with me because I have all of these demands and this is how I need to work, said Robak. What I think is more effective is for job seekers to come in first and talk about their skills and articulate clearly the value they bring to an organization.Seek Out the BenefitsWith all of that said, all the strategy in the world wont help if the company you are interviewing with is not inclined to approve the request for intangible benefits like flextime and work-from-home schedules.If the ability to, say, work from home two days a week is as important to you as a certain salary and title, then you need to seek out companies that embrace flexibility and nontraditional work arrangements as part of their culture.Many companies now promote flexible schedules and work-at-home days as part of their benefits/perks plan, said Karla Porter, director of workforce development and HR for the Greater Wilkes-Barre Cham ber of Business and Industry in Pennsylvania. Job seekers shouldnt have a difficult time finding out what the company offers in this area through networking and the interview process. If flexible schedules and work-at-home time are that important to you, its something you need to be sure is within the parameters of the company policy before you go through the interview process and fruchtwein definitely in your offer before you accept.If you did not negotiate for things like a compressed workweek or flexible hours before you accepted a position, that doesnt mean they are out of reach. Consider negotiating for a trial period. Robak said any flexible work arrangement at his company is done on a trial basis. This gives Robak the opportunity to assess how effective an employee can be with a modified work schedule, as well as an escape route if company needs change or if the demands of the companys clients change.Robak said he structures such arrangements on a 30-, 60- or 90-day basis, th en assesses along the way how things are going. Robak suggested that employees or potential employees can do the same thing in reverse Employees can say, I would like to try a compressed workweek schedule. Can we meet in 30 or 60 days to reassess? If I am not meeting the needs of the company or the clients, we can go back to the way it was.Tony Deblauwe, the founder of HR4Change, said you can ask for these things after you have proven yourself to your new employer on the job - just give the request a little time. When you start, you want to demonstrate that you were the right choice based on performance, said Deblauwe. You want to get to know the team and other important contacts. You have to pay your dues before the trust and comfort level exist to allow flexibility in your working arrangements.In the end, your negotiating prowess will be measured by the extent to which your most important requirements - be they a six-figure salary or a four-day workweek - are met.
Saturday, December 7, 2019
A Startling Fact about Experienced Nurse Resume Uncovered
A Startling Fact about Experienced Nurse Resume Uncovered Because of sample nurse resume schablones, you dont have to compose your CV from scratch. You may use the nursing resume template to compose yours since it consists of a comprehensive curriculum vitae and a cover letter. You cant deliver the precise saatkorn experienced nurse resume template to different organization for assorted job. The Hidden Truth About Experienced Nurse Resume The cover letter is going to be the very first contact the employer has with the applicant, which is the reason why it should make a great impression. Once your resume is prepared to go, you will wish to be sure to receive it in front of as many employers as possible. After all, you need your prospective employer to be in a position to easily contact you. Show the prospective employer precisely what you are able to contribute. The best way to locate an RN job is to search online for an appropriate position. In some places, the work marke t for nurses can be very tough. Firstly, youll need to have in your nurse resume the duties youve got experience with and are mentioned in the work description, attempting to match them as close as possible. An effective registered nurse resume will get you noticed and set you in a strong place to secure the nursing job that you desire. The skilled writers make sure that the resume communicates strengths that employers try to find in nursing resumes. Consider experienced nurse practitioner resume as a tool, which you may logically creates as a way to target a particular job and to receive the middle of the business. There are a lot of unique forms of nursing and youll want to demonstrate your nursing resume fits the bill. There are various types of health nurse and youll have to demonstrate your abilities and knowledge fit the bill. How to Choose Experienced Nurse Resume Dont neglect to highlight certain skills you have which are associated with the work description, and acco mplishments youve achieved and tasks youve managed. Its also advisable to chat about experience. Evidently, you ought to however mention distinctive skills which are related together with different qualification which you think they search for. Needless to say, each job will call for various abilities and experiences, so make certain you read the job description with care and concentrate on the skills listed by the employer. What Experienced Nurse Resume Is - and What it Is Not The following resume samples will supply you with an idea about how to compose your own for a charge nurse position. The above mentioned template has every one of the guidelines and you ought to have the ability to prepare an impressive resume using it as a reference. There are plenty of examples of maintains, but you should remain sure to create a resume and cover letter using your own personal contact. When sending the experienced nurse resume template you will need to deal with the proper person re sponsible for the selection. A caring individual that has a demonstrated capacity to rapidly and accurately assess patient conditions. The more specifically it is possible to relate your experience to the needs of the open position, the better your odds of scoring an interview. Nursing is somewhat of a distinctive field, as securing that job will be dependent on your soft abilities and personality along with your experience. A significant part writing nurse resume objective statements is tweaking the very first portion of your resume for each and every job that you apply to. A hiring manager trying to find a Nurse is searching for a skilled and educated individual, whos capable of providing patients with a high degree of care. Joining a professional organization shows your willingness to stay informed about industry trends and best practices, and that youve got an urge to meet others in your area. Additionally, it may be an ideal chance to network with others in your area. Finding jobs as a registered nurse requires a combination of the proper mindset and a particular set of job seeking skills. Your professional resume must be far more than a list of achievements in buchung to genuinely stick out from the crowd. Your purpose should be to come across as a true individual, ready and eager to accept the responsibility the job entails. Your resume objective is your opportunity to tell a quick story about yourself. While preparing your resume, you will need to stay in mind that its the health care professionals which youre likely to address to, so your resume should incorporate content that will answer their unique needs. Our resume builder makes it simple to create a well-written resume in a few minutes. Each work application format was made to enhance your odds to acquire the job in 2018. Writing work application may be an intimidating executing. Writing a strong application is surely a tough procedure and wed love to make it simpler. An expe rt CV always features an edge over general CV. You will have to apply continuously, even when you get interviews, as its possible you will not pass the interview stage. Savvy resumes are anchored by a comprehensive summary that permits the reader to rapidly find salient info about the applicant. Our medical resume creator will allow you to find that ideal document completed quickly and efficiently to offer you the very best chance possible of showing the recruiter that youre perfect to interview. The Upside to Experienced Nurse Resume As you want to find work, you have to make sure to have the best skills to acquire the positions by which youre interested. Its possible to also seeA IT CV Templates Firstly, Nurse CV templates are made to capture the eye of Job providing authorities at the same time. You may also opt to design high-quality resumes for business purposes. There are a great deal of basic types of resumes used to earn application for job opportunities.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Job interview question and answer Tell me about yourself
Job bewerbungsinterview question and answer Tell me about yurself Job Interview Question And Answer Tell Me About YourselfPosted October 13, 2011, by Zahra Campbell-Avenell This is probably the first question youll be asked in any interview and while you may not think you need to prepare for it, your answer is actually an excellent opportunity to create a great first impression, buildrapport with the interviewer and demonstrate that you are a great fit for the job at hand. Sell yourself by providing a good overview of what you can do in relation to the ort for which you are applying. It helps if you have a strong personal brand and an understanding of the strengths you bring to the table. Summarise your work experience and the professional skills you have acquired, concentrating on the aspects of your experience that relate to the job. For instance, if marketing is a prerequisite for the role and you have experience inmarketing, make sure that you focus on youraccomplishments in this area. You could also refer to your education and tell the interviewer where and what you studied include notable snippets like your majors, significant awards or a distinction average, but only if the subjects you studied are relevant to the job. You may want to briefly describe why you chose your subject area and career path a well-told story or anecdote can help to break the ice and connect with the interviewer. Dont ramble on keep to the point (no more than four points in total) and dont waste time on irrelevant information like My name is trust me, they know what your name is if youve been invited for an interview. Make sure that each point hits the mark for the job. The hiring manager already has your resume, too, but its your job to help them connect the dots between what they know about you and what you can do for them. Finish off by briefly outlining your career plans, how the job on offer fits into those plans, andyour enthusiasm for the role. Here is an example Ive been a tax agent at HR Block for the last 3 years, where I have been responsible for our corporate clients. I have exceeded my personal targets for the last three quarters,and trained two new team members. I completed a Bachelor of Commerce with a double major in accounting and taxation from Curtin University in 2012, where I maintained a high distinction average. While Ive really enjoyed my work thus far, I am ready for the next step in my career, and would love the opportunity to manage a team. The Senior Tax Accountant role looks like a great fit for me because it provides an excellent opportunity to use my skills in client retention and team building, which is why Im really excited about the opportunity to interview at CT Robbins. See our full list of interview questions and answers to help you in your next interview ResourcesMy first resumeCover letter for my first jobCareer Insider StoriesShelley Lask - Body Positive Health & FitnessInterested in becoming a?Human Resources Officer General ManagerBusiness ManagerAccountantOffice AdministratorPopular Career Searcheshow to write a job advertisementregistered nutritionist interview questions and answersentry level tax accountant job descriptionsports coach interview questions and answersanimal handler interview questions and answers CoursesBachelor of Social WorkEnquire verbunden Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Health AdministrationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Criminal JusticeEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Allied Health AssistanceEnquire Online Enquire Online Zahra Campbell-AvenellZahra started writing at the age of 6, and hasnt stopped since. When shes not creating content about careers, learning and personal development, you can find her researching her next travel adventure, bingeing on Netflix or shopping online.Related ArticlesBrowse moreCareer changeCareer inspoFeeling Lost? Heres How To Find Your PassionConventional wisdom says, Do what you love and the money will follow. But what if you still dont know what you want to be when you grow up? Here are some unique ways to discover your passion and uncover what you really want to do with your life.WORKFORCE TRENDSConstruction industry expected to flourishInfrastructure and resource-related construction is expected to drive growth in the building sector throughout 2010 and 2011, according to the latest Australian Industry Group/Australian Constructors Association Construction Outlook survey.Digital MarketingSocial mediaThe online revolution get twitteringGetting your professional brand online is the 21st Centurys answer to trawling through newspapers with a red pen circling job ads so twitter, facebook, blog your way to a brilliant career.
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